Interview on Hidden Hero Podcast – Hidden Hero

Interview on Hidden Hero Podcast

Create a quality video presentation for your personal brand

100 000 + views

We guarantee 100 000 reach within target audience

Quality video content

We prepare specific questions to uncover your personality and communicate brand message

Global coverage

We promote your video within target area or world-wide

Pillar content

You get 1 30-minute interview, 4 1-minute videos, transcribed text and audio reel

You need an interview on Hidden Hero when you promote globally personal brand of an expert, author or speaker. 

We made more then 100 interviews and 10 documentary films

Some examples are below

What you get?

Quality video content to use as a personal video presentation

Personal brand awareness within target audience

Speaking experience in English

Sales leads and subscribers

Personal brand consultation from our producers

3rd level account on platform

Why us?

Olga Sapozhnikova

Originally hailing from Russia, Olga Sapozhnikova served as a Russian diplomat in Japan. After a six year stint with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia, she developed an interest in filmmaking.

Olga graduated from the school of political journalism in Russia and Manhattan film Academy in Dubai, and based in Dubai now. Her first film “Harem” was about famous UAE women and has been telecast on Russian television, then she made a film for TNT channel “Risky girls” about why women choose dangerous professions. “Hidden Beauty” – documentary about eastern and western women in UAE was recently screened in La Femme film festival LA and Montreal film festival.

Invest in legacy, not ego

Connections everywhere

We know how to promote your documentary even in harsh areas as Arabic countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman) and East region (China and India)

Synchronized with branding

Our 15 minute documentary film easily transforms to 3 minute personal presentation and 30 second hook video. 

Established system

We have several teams across the world that have real experience in creating documentary movies, TV-shows, action movies. 

How it works?




We begin with internal interview where we discuss your needs, converge expectation with our opportunities and set goals. 




Then we create questions that works best to unveil your personality and reach setted goals. 




We conduct live interview on Facebook and Youtube simultaneously. Then upload files to LinkedIn and Apple Podcast.




We promote interview on Facebook and Youtube to get 100 000 views within your target audience. 

Full service

  • 1 interview video
  • 4 short videos
  • audio reel
  • transcribed text
  • 100 000 views
  • consulting

2000 $

If you need more info, click the link below and fill in the form.